Business development

As a result of the revolutionary economic development taking place in the city, Debrecen is becoming one of the dominant European powerhouses of electromobility. Thanks to the high level of education and the diversified economic structure, every enterprise can easily find local partners and suppliers.
A Beszállítói Program a helyi KKV-kat segíti és támogatja a beszállítóvá válásuk folyamatában. 
Alapvetően azoknak a debreceni és környékbeli KKV-knak szól, akik adottságaik, képességeik, lehetőségeik és szándékaik alapján potenciális beszállítói lehetnek a városban működő cégeknek.
A program célja minél több helyi vállalkozás tényleges becsatornázása a helyi vállalatok termelési, szolgáltatási értékláncába. Ennek alapját egy organikusan fejlődő beszállítói adatbázis képezi.
A város és az EDC Debrecen célja, hogy az itt megteremtett érték helyben maradjon, itt hasznosuljon ennek minden előnyével.

Supplier Program in brief

We believe that the strong local small and medium-sized enterprises sector and large international companies coming here or already operating here can cooperate effectively and mutually strengthen each other and thereby local communities. Therefore, our goal is to establish and deepen business and personal relationships between local businesses, which we try to promote with professional programs and events. Examples of this are the Supplier Forums, where representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises who are potential suppliers can sit at a conference table together with several large international companies colleagues who responsible for procurement. 

The most recent forum, held in March 2024, was attended by 11 local large companies and around 100 local SME representatives, and more than 170 rapid business meetings took place in one afternoon. We are planning another forum this autumn, with new, current topics and, according to our plans, the participation of more large companies.

If your company is looking for a supplier or wants to be included in our supplier database, please contact us at one of the contact details below. 

+36 20 213 9285

B2030-Attitude-shaping programs 
for SMEs

Our goal is to support local businesses in adapting to the changing business environment. That's why we welcome representatives of interested local small and medium-sized businesses to free, attitude-shaping, knowledge-sharing professional events. The choice of topics for this year's programs was preceded by a demand survey among local businesses.
During the programs, we examine current topics by observing present-day economic and market conditions, we support the development of businesses by presenting local good practices, and we try to provide relevant and useful information for businesses by involving external experts. We look forward to seeing you and your business at our programs! 

Our programs planned for 2024

  • B2030 - Energetics/energy efficiency (1 session, workshop nature, summer 2024)
  • B2030 - Lean management (4 sessions, at external locations, September - November 2024)
  • P2030 - People-centered corporate culture (4 sessions, at external locations, September-November 2024)
Our programs are available free of charge to all interested businesses! By filling out the form, you can apply for our current programs.

I am applying for the programs

I am applying for these programs:(Required)


The competitive and innovative conditions and environment, which have been so far only available to larger companies in the South Industrial Park, will now become accessible also for SMEs requiring smaller areas, typically between 0.5 and 2 hectares. The proximity of companies already present in the South Industrial Park provides an excellent opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises to become actively involved in the supplier networks of large companies and to maintain customer-supplier relations.

16 companies have settled in the ​​Phase I. area of the SME Park.
Location: Debrecen, South Industrial Park 
Area of the Phase I: 14 ha
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